VISTA Women's Bible Study



Daring To Hope In An Unstable World


Ladies, We would like to invite you to our upcoming Bible Study!  Starting Saturday Sept 14th!  Come study the book of Jeremiah with us, as we grow and learn together and enjoy fun fellowship at the same time.  Here's what we'll be looking at:


Learn to surrender to God's will and rest your hope in Him alone. When we look around at today's world, hope usually isn't the first word that comes to mind. In many ways we live in an unstable world where marriages fail, bank accounts run low, friendships end, and the everyday demands of a fast-paced life get us down. In the Book of Jeremiah, we find God calling out to His people with a message of hope--a message that intentional living is possible even in an unstable world.

Jeremiah offers women hope for living in an uncertain world by learning to navigate the challenges and circumstances of this world.


To sign-up click on the link below or Sundays at the church info counter

For questions about Vista Women's Ministry contact



The women of VISTA CHURCH are committed to building relationships and sharing their lives in a way that builds a vibrant and growing community.  Weekly Bible Study and a full calendar of events gives plently of opportunity to get connected with other ladies at Vista.



The women of Vista believe getting together to study God's Word is a vital part of growing and becoming the women God has called them to be.  


Every Christmas this event is one of the most anticipated and refreshing things that happen at Vista.  A guest speaker gives an inspiring message and the food and songs help set our hearts on the true meaning of this holiday.


Every fall we get together at a home for one of the coolest events of the year called Pumpkin and Praise.  We spend time decorating pumpkins while enjoying yummy festive food and cider and then we conclude the evening with praise and worship around a blazing fire.  


Nothing is more important than being encouraged by other ladies throughout the year.  SECRET SISTERS is an amazing way to get paired up with someone who you can bless and be blessed by with cards and small gifts dropped off at our table in the lobby.  Then at the end of the year we have a fun reveal party where you get to meet your secret sister.

Women's Ministry 

Women's Ministry Director

Karen Hoover


Women's Ministry Team
Christina Powell